Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Tuesday is the new Friday night

After a hard day at Targhee I decided to sleep in, but I guess the world conspired against that, Jon ended up calling me at 1 am on Tuesday morning, and then I got another call at 7:30 am so my sleep was very broken. I ended up getting up at 8 and doing some random stuff around the house, then I decided 10 mins before the bus came that I wanted to go skiing. I hurried to get ready and headed out. The bus to the mountain ended up never showing up, so we got the town shuttle to call and find out what was wrong. Turns out the driver, who had been doing the route for several years forgot to go to the stop and pick us up. The supervisor felt very bad so he ended up driving out to pick two of us up and drove us all the way to the mountain with no other stops. Once I got there my phone died so I couldn't meet up with anyone, so I ended up exploring around by myself. It was very peaceful.

Tuesday night we went to see a bluegrass band that plays every week at the Silver Dollar Bar. We found a table next to a group of women out for a Christmas party. They were all wearing festive hats and the boys (Brandon, Kerry and Mike) started chatting with them and convinced them to give them the extra hats. The boys wore them around the bar for a while until I refused to be seen with them anymore. By the time the band started playing the bar was packed and it ended up turning into a great dance party. We all had a great time and will for sure be going back!

The boys stoked on their hats!

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