This morning I got it in my head that I was going to go hiking since it was a fairly warm day and partly cloudy. Since
Snow King isn't open yet that was the optimal spot. Kerry decided to join me for my adventure so we headed out the door and across the road and we were at the lift which we have taken to calling the yellow and blue lift (the Rafferty Chair if you are looking at the map). We hiked up a green trail (the gentlest slope) called Slow Trail starting at the bottom of the blue and yellow lift. Due to the altitude, and our bodies trouble with it, it was very slow going. It seemed like every couple hundred yards we had to stop because our hearts were pounding. I guess after living at 52 feet above sea level for 6 months and then moving to a base elevation of 6209 feet makes for quite a hard change on the body. Let alone then hiking from 6209 ft to 8008 ft.
The yellow and blue lift.
Kerry enjoying the nice weather.
It seems that Snow King had been hoping to be open much earlier because the snow guns were ready and raring to go as soon as the temperature drops and all of the signage was up on each trail. We had to laugh at the Thin Cover signs that could be seen all over the trail heads. We were quite surprised to find that apparently hiking Snow King is the popular thing to do in Jackson on a Saturday, we probably saw at least 15 people all out for a hike with their dogs.
Thin cover? No kidding....
The sun coming out to play.
The beautiful Tetons rising above Jackson.We reached the summit (7800 ft at the top of the lift) and noticed that we could hike an additional 200 feet of vertical up to the top of the mountain where there were several radio towers (elevation 8008 ft) and a beautiful view. We decided to go past the No Trespassing sign and get the full view.
So when we both miraculously come down with some random disease we will know why.
Kerry and I with the beautiful mountains behind us.Later that evening as we were sitting around in our living room and happened to catch the sunset off our back porch. Not exactly roughing it....
Sunset from our porch.
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